CCNL Linz 2018: Harold Schellinx

Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria (Oral History).

Posted by Wolfgang Dorninger - June 10, 2018

Harold Schellinx: CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria (Oral History)

I invited Harold Schellinx to Cassette Culture Node.Linz not only because he is totally connected to tapes (Found Tapes), but he is also a great performer and lecturer. In his workshop and lecture we focused on his exhibition on Found Tapes. A video of Harold's lecture will be added to this homepage soon. It was so great that Harold and his partner WeiWei took more than a week to attend the show. The transition between workshop, lecture and performance and the participation in the exhibition became more and more blurred and met exactly the theme of the exhibition: Communication.

Harold Schellinx is not only a musician, performer and improviser, he is also a writer, mathematician, artist and creator of unusual sound projects. On SoundBlog he published an extensive article on Cassette Culture Node.Linz. He also added a transcription of our interview transmitted live to the Vieux Media Fest in Paris and a video filmed by WeiWei.

Enjoy the article CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria [i] Oral history - Jan. 18th 2019

and CCNL :: Cassette Culture in Linz, Austria [ii] The aesthetics of erasure - Feb. 8th 2019

For more information:
Found Tapes Exhibition - Homepage
Found Tapes Exhibition - pdf
Twitter posting from the workshop
Vieux Media Fest, Paris - article by Harold Schellinx