"it could be a song - it could be a beat" - Ars Electronica (Compilation / CD)

"it could be a song - it could be a beat" - Ars Electronica (Compilation / CD)

VARIOUS "it could be a song - it could be a beat" - Ars Electronica 99 - Klangpark
Label: Ars Electronica
Released: 1999
Genre: Ambient, Experimental, Noise, Remix
Partner: ORF Oberösterreich, Brucknerhaus

With music from Michael Nyman reworked by Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner, Sam Auinger, Rupert Huber, Gordan Paunovic, Jamasounds: Joachim Schnaitter & Markus Decker, Robeet Worby, Michael Nyman and Wolfgang Dorninger.

More information on the project: Ars Electronica Catalgue / Dorninger's HP

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