Done: Workshop Lisboa

Sound Development City 2013: The workshop is geared towards urbanists, architects, nerds and anyone interested in listening to their city with headphones and a microphone, exploring its sound while expanding their own aural competencies at the same time.

Wolfgang Dorninger
Written by
Wolfgang Dorninger
Updated on
 September 29, 2013

text2field-recordings · sdc2013: text2field-recordings presentation Lisboa sept 28th 2013

Workshop of text2fieldrecordings at Palácio Sinel de Cordes, Campo Santa Clara 142, Lisboa

Austrian artist Wolfgang Dorninger (Linz, Au) created the sound intervention text2field-recordings as part of the project Sound Development City. The sound material for the intervention originated from a workshop, where field recordings revolving around the themes of nature and technology will be gathered. Subsequently, the recordings will be structured into “Sound Containers”, which reflect the sound patterns and systems of the respective cities. These containers form the basis for the intervention text2field-recordings, in which texts relating the “sound of the city” will be mixed into sound scapes.

The workshop (Spetember 25th - 28th) was geared towards urbanists, architects, nerds and anyone interested in listening to their city with headphones and a microphone, exploring its sound while expanding their own aural competencies at the same time.

The workshop consisted of three modules: listening, recording, and acoustic narration.

Pics by Nik/Sound Development City

Presentation of text2fieldrecordings at Palácio Sinel de Cordes, Campo Santa Clara 142, Lisboa

Sept. 28th we had a presentation in the beautiful backyard of Palácio Sinel de Cordes. All sounds used had been recorded in Lisboa with different microphones by Catarina Reis, Rodolopho Martins, Catarina Almeida, Viriato Augusto de Sousa Menezes, Gonçalo Pires, Fátima Ribeiro, Herwig Turk and Wolfgang Dorninger in Lisboa from September 25th to 26th.

Performed live by Catarina Reis, Rodolopho Martins, Catarina Almeida, Viriato Augusto de Sousa Menezes, Gonçalo Pires, Fátima Ribeiro and Wolfgang Dorninger on september 28th at Palácio Sinel de Cordes within the Triennale d'architecture de Lisbonne. (Scroll up for the Soundcloud player!)